

  • Most of this material is over 30 years old and has NOT BEEN UPDATED. It may NOT reflect current laws, regulations, and practices. The material is presented for historical interest only.
  • This material was written for the United States. Laws, regulations, and practices in other countries vary.
  • This Web site is NOT created by, sponsored by, endorsed by, affiliated with, or otherwise connected to the Federal Aviation Administration or the United States Department of Transportation.
  • The creator of this Web site has NO CONNECTION with the Federal Aviation Administration or the United States Department of Transportation.
  • NOT FOR NAVIGATION. Please procure current charts for flight.

By downloading any of the material below, you agree that you have read and understand the above.

Note: If linking from another site, please don't link directly to the documents below. Link to this page with indexes and disclaimer. The URL for this page is http://www.birdbird.org/aviation/examogram/index.html.

These documents were scanned at 600 dpi, watermarked, reduced to 300 dpi, converted to indexed images, and then assembled into PDFs. The PDFs vary from 300 KB to 1900 KB depending on page count. The PDFs should print without further scaling on US letter (8.5 by 11 inch) paper.

I can't answer any questions about airplanes or piloting, but if you have other comments or questions, email me at email address.


From the VFR index page revised 1977/01:

"Exam-O-Grams are brief and timely explanations of important aeronautical knowledge items. These items include concepts and procedures that are critical to aviation safety, common misconceptions among airman applications, and areas which cause general difficulty in written tests."

"Exam-O-Grams may be reproduced without further permission from FAA."


No. Title Revised Pages
2 VFR Cruising Altitudes 1971/10 1
4 Preflight Planning for a VFR Cross-Country Flight (Series 1) 1974/01 1
5 Preflight Planning for a VFR Cross-Country Flight (Series 3) 1971/10 1
6 Preflight Planning for a VFR Cross-Country Flight (Series 3) 1971/03 1
9 Altimetry 1977/01 2
13 Weight and Balance 1977/01 2
15 How to Use VOR (Series 1) 1964/08 2
16 How to Use VOR (Series 2) 1964/08 4
17 Common Misconceptions (Series 1) 1977/01 2
18 Lost Procedures -- Pilotage 1964/09 4
19 Emergency or Lost Procedures (Radio) 1974/01 4
20 Ceiling and Visibility 1976/06 4
21 Flying into Unfavorable Weather 1969/07 2
22 Potential Midair Collisions 1974/01 4
23 Interpreting Sectional Charts (Series 1) 1977/01 4
26 Common Misconceptions (Series 2) 1974/01 4
27 The Effect of Wind on an Airplane 1974/01 4
28 Factors Affecting Stall Speed 1965/09 4
29 Potential Midair Collisions (Series 2) 1974/01 2
33 Use of Performance Charts 1977/01 4
34 How to Obtain Proper Weather Briefing 1974/01 4
35 UNICOM Frequencies and Uses 1977/01 2
36 Commonly Misunderstood Areas of Aeronautical Knowledge (Series 1) 1976/06 3
No. Title Revised Pages
37 Commonly Misunderstood Areas of Aeronautical Knowledge (Series 2) 1972/01 3
38 Mixture Control -- Fuel/Air Ratio 1966/11 4
39 Simple ADF for VFR Navigation 1967/08 4
40 Visual Approach Slope Indicator (VASI) 1974/01 3
41 Controlled Airspace (Series 1) 1971/10 4
42 Controlled Airspace (Series 2) 1971/10 4
43 ATIS (Automatic Terminal Information Service) 1974/01 2
44 How High the Clouds? 1977/01 4
45 Airspeeds and Airspeed Indicator Markings (Series 2) 1969/01 2
46 Aviation Weather Reports -- Remarks 1976/06 2
47 Ground Effect 1974/01 2
48 Midair Collisions (Series 3) 1974/01 4
49 Use of Oxygen in General Aviation Aircraft 1971/01 4
50 Interpreting Sectional Charts (Series 2) 1977/01 2
51 Interpreting Sectional Charts (Series 3) 1977/01 4
52 Sky Cover and Ceiling 1976/06 2
53 Dangers of Wingtip Vortices 1977/01 2
54 Emergency Locator Transmitters (ELTs) 1974/05 2
55 Terminal Radar Service Areas (TRSAs) "Stage III" 1977/01 2
56 Sky Cover Symbols in Weather Reports and Forecasts 1976/06 2
57 Flight in the Region of Reversed Command in Relation to Takeoffs and Landings 1975/07 4
58 Pilot Induced Accidents 1977/01 4


From the IFR index page revised 1977/01:

"Exam-O-Grams are brief and timely explanations of important aeronautical knowledge items. These items include concepts and procedures that are critical to aviation safety, common misconceptions among airman applications, and areas which cause general difficulty in written tests."

"Exam-O-Grams may be reproduced without further permission from FAA."


No. Title Revised Pages
2 Use and Abuse of Radar 1971/02 2
6 VFR Operations on an Instrument Flight Plan 1969/09 4
7 CDI Interpretation 1969/09 2
8 Minimum IFR Altitudes 1975/11 4
10 Altimetry 1967/12 2
11 Communications Procedures for Pilots on Instrument Flight Plans 1971/02 4
14 VOR Quiz 1965/08 2
15 The Weather Depiction Chart is for You 1977/01 4
16 The Low Level Prognostic Chart 1973/11 4
17 The Radar Summary Chart 1977/01 4
18 Rate of Turn 1967/01 2
19 Telephone Weather Briefing 1971/06 2
21 IFR Weight and Balance Computations 1967/09 4
22 VOR Receiver Accuracy Check 1974/02 3
23 Fundamental ADF Procedures 1971/01 4
24 The Attitude Indicator 1970/05 3
25 The ATC Transponder 1977/01 2
No. Title Revised Pages
26 Runway Marking 1971/10 2
27 Airport Surveillance Radar (ASR) Approaches 1977/01 2
28 Category II Taxiway Holding Lines 1969/07 2
29 When an Alternate Airport is Not Required 1970/03 2
30 VORTAC Area Navigation 1974/03 4
31 Is Your Instrument Flight Really Legal? 1973/11 2
32 Aircraft Performance Charts 1971/03 4
34 IFR Departure Clearances 1971/09 4
35 Clearance Delivery Procedures 1972/01 2
36 Lost Communications Procedures - Altitude Requirements 1972/01 2
37 Lost Communnications Procedures - Route Requirements 1972/09 2
38 Lost Communications Procedures - Approach Requirements 1973/03 2
39 Enroute Chart Information 1973/04 2
40 The ILS Category II Approach -What is It? 1976/10 2
41 National Airmen Information System 1900/00 2

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